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Tech and Gadgets

SEGA Genesis Mini 2 Up For Pre-Order

The SEGA Genesis Mini is back and more powerful than ever! The definitive mini console of 2019, the SEGA Genesis Mini, has been completely revamped! Its improved hardware is tucked away in a new, compact design based on the SEGA Genesis Model 2!In addition, the console now comes with the 6-Button Control Pad! *The controllers released for the SEGA Genesis Mini are also compatible. Sega CD titles available as well! Sega CD titles can be played on the SEGA Genesis Mini 2! Enjoy an immense library with advanced features like full-motion video and smooth animations. 60 classic titles!The SEGA Genesis Mini 2 has a bigger and more impressive lineup, surpassing its predecessor with 60 classic titles included! Furthermore, a never-released bonus game has also been added, contributing to a vast collection of games with endless play time!Games will be announced in four waves. Included Games– After Burner II– Alien Soldier– AtomicRunner– Bonanza Bros.– ClayFighter– Crusader of Centy– Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf– Earthworm Jim 2– Ecco the Dolphin– Ecco: The Tides of Time– Elemental Master– Fatal Fury 2– Final Fight CD– Gain Ground– Golden Axe II– Granada– Hellfire– Herzog Zwei– Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar– Mansion of Hidden Souls– Midnight Resistance– NIGHT STRIKER– Night Trap– OutRun– OutRunners– Phantasy Star II– Populous– RAINBOW ISLANDS -EXTRA-– Ranger-X– Ristar– Robo Aleste – ROLLING THUNDER 2– Sewer Shark– Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi– Shining Force CD– Shining Force II– Shining in the Darkness– SILPHEED– Sonic 3D Blast– Sonic The Hedgehog CD– SPLATTERHOUSE 2– Streets of Rage 3– Super Hang-On– SUPER STREET FIGHTER II THE NEW CHALLENGERS– THE NINJAWARRIORS– The Ooze– The Revenge of Shinobi– ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron– Truxton– VectorMan 2– Viewpoint– Virtua Racing– Warsong Bonus Games– Devi & Pii– Fantasy Zone– Space Harrier II – Spatter– Star Mobile– Super Locomotive– VS Puyo Puyo SUN

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