Earlier this year, Disney+ announced they were producing a new TV series inspired by the classic 80s film ‘The Goonies’ that is titled ‘Our Time’. The storyline centers on a teacher who helps her students recreate the Richard Donner-directed movie The Goonies, shot-for-shot.
While its exciting that this show might be made, you might be interested that this new tv series was actually inspired by another movie besides Goonies! Do you recall a pretty well know Movie called Raiders Of The Lost Ark?
What ties these two movies together is that back in the mid 1980s, some boys decided to make a shot-for-shot fan film remake of Raiders Of The Lost Ark. The fan film which many are not familiar with is titled Raiders of the Lost Arc: The Adaptation. It was finally released in 1989 after six years of production utilizing anything the creators could find in their backyards, garages, or loaned by friends.

The fan film was later released in 2014 after a Kickstarter campaign, where it went on to receive lots of praise at festivals and within Indiana Jones fan communities.
There’s even a movie about the making of the adaptation called Raiders!, which follows the film creators as they complete the final scene in their film decades later.

But getting back to the Goonies show title ‘Our Time’ – this show is going to follow in the same style the Raiders Of The lost Ark fan film did, but this time its being produced by Warner Brothers and will stream on Disney+.
Currently, the series is still under development, and Disney hasn’t made any official announcements about the project. However, the shows writer, Sarah Watson provided some details on the series’ concept and how they got the idea from the Raiders! fan film, in an interview she did with Variety.com
“This is a partnership between me, Amblin, and Lauren Shuler Donner. When I was at Paramount, there were these young boys doing this movie about “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” a shot-by-shot remake. It got some press at the time, and the studio was very upset about it. I thought it was an amazing idea, and it always stood in my head of — how can you take an idea like that and turn it into a TV series? We needed a terrific writer and great partners, so we brought the idea to Amblin and those guys loved it. Sarah Watson is our creator. The series is a story of a town and a family in the lens of “Friday Night Lights,” and within that they tell a story of a shot-by-shot remake of “The Goonies.” We had to go to Warner Bros., to Toby Emmerich, and ask if we could have rights [to “The Goonies”]. They said yes, obviously, because of Mr. Spielberg and the Donners. We’re now doing this for Disney Plus.”
Although we don’t have much to go on for the Our Time. Ill link to where you can watch the Raiders! documentary about the fan film the boys made to tide you over. Lets just hope Disney and Warner Brothers get going soon on making Our Time.. Cause its time for another Goonies comeback!